Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pics and details from the Official Opening events

The Dojyo is Officially opened and the red Tori gateway symbolises this celebration.
This page is under construction and will soon carry more pics from the opening Senior students demonstrating our Aikido at the opening watched by local, interstate and international official guests, families and friends. Here sensei Simon S. Mc Intosh plays freestyle with sensei Joseph Dexter.

Sensei Kenkichi Futami,7th Dan JAA traveled from Japan with his family to attend the Official Opening. Here he bows at the end of his speech at the conclusion of the program. Unity Aikido is honoured to have enjoyed their company and benefited from the input and cultural sharing by Futami sensei, his wife and son.

Red is the colour of celebration and this bright red fish reminds us of Japan and it's beautiful gardens. At the Dojyo we have a small garden in the Japanese style and one day we hope to have fish in our pond.